One of the main differences between filtered cigars and cigarettes is the tobacco used. The tobacco in a filtered cigar is usually aged and allowed to ferment. Additionally, cigar tobacco is usually from only a single source. This creates a filtered cigar with a smooth and rich flavor. Fermenting is not part of the process for creating cigarette tobacco. The tobacco in cigarettes is processed quickly. It can contain extra additives. This creates a cigarette with a harsh and sharp flavor.Flavor Selection of Filtered Cigars
Filter cigars come in a wide selection of different flavors and grades. Some cigars are available in a variety of pleasant flavors such as vanilla, black cherry or chocolate. The flavors accent the natural taste of the aged tobacco. Some producers of filtered cigars even offer different strengths of tobacco so that a person can choose the intensity of the flavor. Cigarettes do not come in different flavors beyond normal or menthol. This is because there is a legal ban on flavored cigarettes.Size, Weight and Appearance of Filtered Cigars
There are a number of physical differences between filtered cigars and cigarettes. The most noticeable is that filtered cigars are heavier than cigarettes. This is partly because of the weight of the tobacco. Filtered cigars are larger and can be much longer than a typical cigarette. Filtered cigars are easily differentiated from cigarettes because the paper used to contain the tobacco is different. Most filtered cigars are wrapped in paper that is brown, very dark or tinted. This is different from the stark white paper used to wrap a standard cigarette. The filter on certain filtered cigars might also be longer than the filter on a normal cigarette.Taxes of Filtered cigars
One final difference that is important to some people is how the two products are taxed. Cigarettes are highly taxed across many different levels. There are federal and local taxes in most areas. Filtered cigars are not taxed in the same way largely because of how the tobacco is treated. The lower taxation often means filtered cigars are less expensive than purchasing cigarettes.Copyright © 2021 Pine Cigars. All Rights Reserved. THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. Pine Cigars does not sell Cigarettes or Pipe Tobacco. This website and its use is intended for people over the age of 18. We sell Cigars, Filtered Cigars, Premium Discount Cigars. By Visiting our site you agree to our terms and conditions of purchase. Clients are responsible for their state and or local taxes in their state. By entering our site you agreeing to be 21 years of age or older and of legal smoking age in the state where You! live. I also acknowledge that some products on this site contain nicotine and I am willingly purchasing a product that contains nicotine. Your age will be verified at time of checkout and if you are not of legal smoking age in your state your order will be declined.