When you opt to buy cigars online, your desire is to get the best deal on quality products. This can only be possible if you purchase your cigars from a trusted online outlet. Although the convenience that comes with online shopping can be enjoyable, you need to follow certain guidelines to shop safely and get quality products.

Here are the guidelines that you should follow when buying cigars online:

  • Secure website: The best websites to purchase cigars from should have appropriate measures to ensure the security of your data. This entails the use of SSL or data encryption technologies. This ensures that nobody else can access the information that comes from your computer to the website. Additionally, read the terms and privacy policy of the website to guarantee that the company ensures the safety of your data.
  • Personal contact: Buy cigars from an online outlet that provides reliable customer support. The customer support experts should be professional and friendly. This way, you can always contact the outlet in case you do not receive your cigars as expected.
  • Fresh cigars: Fresh cigars are of superior quality. For cigars to remain fresh, they should be stored in a humidor at 70 degrees F and 70% humidity. Therefore, ask the outlet how they ensure the freshness of their cigars before placing an order.
  • Fast shipping: To ensure that your cigars do not lose quality during transit, the best online cigar outlets provide a fast shipping option to customers. Buy cigars from an outlet that provides same day or two day shipping option to customers.
  • Single cigars: If you are not certain about particular brands and flavors, you should first purchase a single cigar from each flavor before purchasing cigars in bulk. Therefore, consider an outlet that sells single cigars and place an order before deciding on whether to purchase the whole box.
  • Counterfeit cigars: Although counterfeit cigars are cheaper than original cigars, their quality is poor. Additionally, if you are caught with fake cigars you will be charged enormous fines. To avoid this, buy your cigars from an outlet that deals in quality and original cigars.

If you want to buy cigars online for the first time, you should read reviews of experienced smokers for guidelines. Online buyers of cigars know where you can get quality and original cigars. They can also guide you on how to get a great deal on your cigars.



Date 10/21/2014

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