In the world of cigars, the full-bodied and bold flavor of Winchester filter cigars leaves their mark plain and simple. Winchesters have been manufactured since 1972 and have a legacy of a no-holds barred cigar smoking experience that is described solely as being powerful. Each filtered cigar is crafted with careful precision that ensures you get a robust smoke. Winchesters were one of the first cigars produced and sold as a little cigar. Ever since the first production and smoke, they have been winning over the hearts of cigar lovers in the west. RJ Reynolds originally created Winchester little cigars in 1971. They quickly became a noted and popular brand in the U.S. Like their counterpart, the Winchester rifle, Winchester cigars became revolutionary in the cigar industry.
What Is in a Name?
The name Winchester provokes thoughts of the famous rifle and cigar. The manufacturers of the cigar kept this in mind when creating their high quality cigars and have kept it in mind ever since. Every cigar that is produced is of quality with a heritage suffused in premium tobacco blends and innovation that ranges from mellow to rich. Essentially their original blend is the perfect balance of flavor and sophistication that has not changed from the original cigar created in the 70’s. The natural tobacco taste resembles that of aged oak, full-bodied and robust. These are not a typical sweet smoke with flavors that remind you of candy. Instead Winchester has focused on providing different filter types. They added filters to their cigars to provide a healthier cigar smoke. The tips that are available include regular filters and Talon-shaped filters.
A Cigar Steeped in Tradition
Over the forty years they have been around it is clear to see that Winchester cigars are a quality product that has firmly found a place in the cigar aficionados smoking regime. If you have not tried a Winchester filtered cigar, it is time to switch up and order the original blend so you can try one of the most popular cigars on the market. If you have not tried a little cigar yet, then turn to Winchesters, one of the leading brands that have been on the market for many years. Carry on the American tradition of smoking Winchester cigars that are filtered. You will find that little cigars give you the opportunity to smoke the entire cigar in a smaller amount of time so there is no need to stop smoking and save half of your cigar for later.
Cheap Little Cigars carries Winchester Filter Cigars for cigar traditionalists that have been smoking these popular little cigars since the 70’s. Order a pack today to experience and savor a cigar made famous by its original blend of tobacco.
Copyright © 2021 Pine Cigars. All Rights Reserved. THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. Pine Cigars does not sell Cigarettes or Pipe Tobacco. This website and its use is intended for people over the age of 18. We sell Cigars, Filtered Cigars, Premium Discount Cigars. By Visiting our site you agree to our terms and conditions of purchase. Clients are responsible for their state and or local taxes in their state. By entering our site you agreeing to be 21 years of age or older and of legal smoking age in the state where You! live. I also acknowledge that some products on this site contain nicotine and I am willingly purchasing a product that contains nicotine. Your age will be verified at time of checkout and if you are not of legal smoking age in your state your order will be declined.