The Unsung Hero of the Cigar World: The Little Cigar

Cigar smoking is a favorite hobby and pastime for many Americans. However, there is one particular cigar that is the unsung hero of the cigar world, the little cigar. Little cigars have not received the recognition they deserve for being a great cigar smoke in a smaller package, they are typically the same size as a cigarette.
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Wrangler Cigars Reign in the World of Filtered Cigars

If you are just starting to smoke cigars, it is advisable to start with little cigars that give you a quick smoke verses the traditionally longer smoke of classic sized cigar. It gives you a chance to experience a fine tobacco without overwhelming your first experience of smoking a cigar. Even after you have become accustom to smoking little cigars and have picked up the hobby, you may gradually transition to larger more full-bodied cigars but still enjoy the little cigars for a quick smoke. Wrangle filtered cigars are perfect for smokers that are ready to try cigars for the first time.

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